Grant Program
The Cache Valley Visitors Bureau would love to help you bring visitors to our area. You may receive up to $1,500 total in matching funds in two categories:
1. toward advertising existing events in markets outside our area; and 2. creating events that will entice visitors to spend at least one night in an area hotel. Preference is given to events held from Oct. 1-May 15, traditionally slower months for local hoteliers.
Out of area marketing funds assist events, activities, festivals, conferences and programs with marketing efforts outside Cache, Rich, Box Elder, Franklin and Bear Lake Counties. Event development funds must be used toward expenses to establish a new attraction, event, activity, festival or program held in Cache Valley. Organizations may receive event development funding for a maximum of three years.
Check out guidelines, applications and even the scoring criteria sheet the board will be using with the following links. Please call us if you have any questions: 435-755-1890.